Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here We Go!!

So, I thought we better get this going or it would just fall through the cracks! I hope you all like the name I came up with:) . . . . If you don't, we can totally change it! And we can periodically change the background too. So if you don't like it, don't worry, it will change! {Someday}

We also need to get those who are not "blogger-literate" {yes, I said it} trained and up to speed:)

Now whenever we have projects, questions, or something great we want to share.... here's the place to put it!

We'll get together once a month starting in January. December is always a crazy month, so we'll skip it. When it gets a little closer we can vote on a date and time. Let's get some feedback on how we would like to run our gatherings.... would it be best to have one person each month come up with a project and just let us all know what it requires and each person will bring their own supplies to do it, do we want one person to come up with everything as Addie did and switch off, or do we just want everyone to bring their own projects and simply get together to do them?? Leave a comment and we can discuss it.

When you are ready to start posting, let me know and I'll get you added!


jEsSiCa said...

I personally think we should switch off homes and whosever house it is at that month, they come up with a project for everyone to do. But, they will simply tell each person what it requires and everyone will just bring their own supplies.
That way it's less work for whoever is hosting and then everyone can bring the paper and design they would like.
We also can still place orders as we need or want but no pressure!

So there's my two sense:)

Addie May said...

The name for this blog is SO cute...I can't get over it!! I like Jessica's ideas posted above. I won't be stamping for a few weeks b/c I am crazy with the move and all, but I will post stuff when I do it!

Suzanne Gnehm said...

Great work Jess, I love it. I think this will work out really well. I excited to till be stamping with everyone. But we will definitely have to train some how to blog. It will be fun. Cute blog and name!